Front-End React Developer

Hi, I'm Tonmoy Deb. A passionate Front-end React Developer from Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Front-End React Developer

Tech Stack

A dedicated Front-end Developer from Sylhet Bangladesh

A dedicated Front-end Developer from Sylhet Bangladesh

I love to solve problems and build web applications. I'm passionate about front-end development. I have a good understanding in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React JS, Next JS, TailwindCSS, Sass. My main goal is creating smooth, interctive, & user friendly interface using best development tools & language.


Each project is a unique piece of development

#html #tailwindcss


A fully functional digital agency template. This is for any agencies who wants to sell their services online. Using this template agencies can showcase their services, reviews, blogs etc.

Track Taka
#react js #tailwindcss #indexeddb #firebase

Track Taka

Track Taka is an expense tracker application to help you in daily life money management. It allows you to track your regular expenses & income. so at the end of the month, you can quickly get a summary of your monthly expense.

#nextjs #tailwindcss #hygraph


This is a simple SEO-friendly blog application. Which is developed with Next.js and HyGraph. This is a practice project where I tried to implement all the necessary features a blog should have.

Movie Mania
#reactjs #materialui #api

Movie Mania

this is a movie and tv show search web app. you can watch trailers and get an overview of specific movies or tv shows. also, you can get similar movies or tv show suggestions.


Don't be shy! Hit me up! 👇